
Friday, June 17, 2011

Fix Me Before I Bid Goodbye

T'was a fine bright day
When she t0ld me she has s0methng to say,
Then i asked what was it
She only said,"I'll tell you when we meet",
After a sec0nd, she put d0wn the ph0ne
Without telling me where will we c0nfabulate next m0rn.

Then the f0llowng m0rning came,
So excitd to listen of what she aims,
To speak next to me
And utter w0rds - whatevr will it be.

As i walkd thru d gallery,
I saw her with a c0mpany,
Who b0re an unfamiliar face
And was ab0ut to gve her a stunning ncklace.

I accidntally h0ld off my pen
And it br0ke the silence of the c0rrid0r then.

There she saw me standng near
And made her to appr0ach me in dear,
I greetd them a simple "hi",
Even th0ugh i'm startng to feel uneasy inside,
She resp0nd a blissful "hello"
And also the strange guy did so,
Them i grinned & made a smile
Just to sh0w i'm still fine in a while.

She startd intr0ducng me to him -
Giving me an obscure and sense of dim;
Then the wheel turnd into its opp0site r0und -
Where n0w she uttrs s0und
And w0rds to usher in
For me to kn0w him within.

"By the way, this Anth0ny, my b0yfriend"

After hearing th0s w0rdz frm hr
Seems my b0dy l0st its gravity -
Wher i can n0 l0nger bear
The whole of me 'cuz it's n t0rpidty,
And wher i can n0 l0nger c0ntr0l
The teardr0ps fr0m my eyes' s0ul.

I tried n0t to b to0 obvi0us
Though i was lyk sh0t by a blundrbuss
And was lyk stabbd by sw0rds
By her true heart-aching w0rds.

'Til n0w the w0und she causd hurts,
This heart of myn alm0st bursts,
For the platelets in my veins are bl0cking
That causes my cessati0n of breathng,
Wher the only remedy s to accpt the pain
And to c0ntr0l myself n0t to b insane,
But rathr only sh0ut and cry --
"Fix me bef0re i bid g0odbye".

-Jeff Paulo Saad